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The Fun Wall
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It's all about Fun! Check the Fun Wall regularly to read the funny quotes, funny jokes and fun stuff.

The truth hurts, but it also heals.  By JooJ - 2/20/2023 01:27

However much you deny the truth, the truth goes on existing. [George Orwell]  By JooJ - 2/17/2023 10:20

He who dares not offend cannot be honest. [Thomas Paine]  By JooJ2 - 2/11/2023 16:34

A life is enhanced, not defined, by possessions.  By JooJ - 2/10/2023 15:36

On a long enough timeline, everything is ephemeral.  By JooJ2 - 2/8/2023 15:18

Passion is not discovered, it's cultivated.  By JooJ2 - 2/8/2023 13:27

Life has a 100% mortality rate.  2/7/2023 15:21

Every fear is a fear of the unknown.  By JooJ - 2/7/2023 12:36

You can't change the people around you, but you can change the people around you.  By JooJ - 2/4/2023 13:54

You deserve someone who will say 'we'll figure it out together'.  By JooJ - 2/4/2023 13:40

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