One of the biggest defects in life is the inability to ask for help. [Robert Kiyosaki] 12/6/2013 14:17
The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not winning but taking part; the essential thing in life is not conquering but fighting well. [Pierre de Coubertin] By Raja - 12/6/2013 03:22
The shortest distance between two people is a hug. 12/4/2013 13:39
You alone are responsible for your own happiness. 12/4/2013 13:21
Shed your fears and life will be much simpler. 12/4/2013 10:45
Always defend your self-respect but not at the cost of denting someone elses. 12/4/2013 10:45
A man without principals is a lost man. 12/4/2013 10:44
If you punish honesty, expect people to lie to you. 12/4/2013 05:50
Missing is even more painful when it's not mutual. 12/4/2013 05:50
I don't keep my wife's picture in my wallet, the empty wallet reminds me of her anyway. 12/4/2013 05:50